Lot 86 Integrated Bedding Cover System and Method Patents Video Presentation
LOT: 86 集成式床罩系统与方法 视频演示

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Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™ Market patent auction lot number 86 consists of three assets. The technology provides a method and system for joining a detachable fabric sheet to duvet/comforter cover through the use of one or more corresponding fastening or temporary joining mechanisms located on the cover and the fabric sheet. System is provided to create a multi-layering effect as well as serving to align the sheet and cover during sleep and makeup of the bed. Benefits of the portfolio: 1) Alleviates sheet tangles during sleep; 2) Provides quick and ease of making up the bed in the morning; 3) Keeps the cover clean and limits the necessity to clean it often, since the sheet stays aligned to the cover during sleep.

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™ 市场上的86号专利包包含三项专利。该技术提供了一种方法和系统,通过使用一个或多个紧固或临时连接装置,将可拆卸的被单安装在羽绒被/被罩上。该系统实现了(被罩的)多层效果,睡眠过程中被罩和被单免于分离。该专利包的优点:1)睡眠过程中被单不会缠绕身体; 2)早上轻松快捷地整理床铺; 3)由于睡眠过程中被单覆盖了被罩,从而能够保持被罩清洁。

Bid on the Integrated Bedding Cover System and Method Lot on the Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask Market
竞拍Ocean Tomo Bid Ask市场上的集成式床罩系统与方法专利包

Video Presentation

PLEASE NOTE: This video is shown to understand the general idea of the invention, the problems it addresses and the benefits of the invention. Per claims of patent portfolio, the invention is not limited only to zippers and/or snaps as a form of attachment. Additionally, the claims also specify that the attachment can be on 2 or more sides (the video shows attachment via zippers on 3 sides with overlap attachment of snaps).


Lot: 86