Lot 84: Consumer Goods Reordering Patents for Sale

Bid on the Consumer Goods Reordering Patent Lot from Ocean Tomo
竞拍Ocean Tomo的消费品自动下单补给专利包

Consumer Goods Reordering Patent Lot Asset List

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Lot 84: Consumer Goods Reordering Patents for Sale

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™ Market patent auction lot number 84 consists of four assets. The portfolio technology covers reordering of consumable commodities including automatic reordering and reordering by clicking a specialized button. The technology proves to be a time saver from existing purchasing/ordering processes.

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™ 市场上的84号专利包包含四项专利。这些专利技术主要用于对消费品自动下单完成补给,包括自动下单技术,和点击专用按键完成下单的技术。该发明有效改进了购买/下单过程,大大节省了时间。

Bid on the Consumer Goods Reordering Lot on the Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask Market
竞拍Ocean Tomo Bid Ask市场上的消费品自动下单补给专利包