Lot 183: Earthquake Building Stabilizer Patents for Sale

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竞拍Ocean Tomo的建筑减隔震装置专利包

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Lot 183: Earthquake Building Stabilizer Patents for Sale

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™ Market patent auction lot 183 presents a unique portfolio featuring two granted U.S. patents and a continuation application. This portfolio introduces an innovative solution for earthquake building stabilization. It works by preventing buildings from swaying during earthquakes using calibrated weights guided by real-time sensors, providing a major boost in protection. This patented innovation is perfect for seismic and building engineering firms, as well as companies offering innovative building products. It offers reliable seismic protection and holds significant appeal for those seeking effective solutions in this field.

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™市场183号拍卖提供了一个有价值的专利包,其中包含两项已授予的美国专利和一项待决的延续申请。该专利包推出了一种用于地震建筑稳定的创新解决方案。它的工作原理是使用实时传感器引导的校准重量来防止建筑物在地震期间摇晃,从而大大增强保护作用。这项专利创新非常适合地震和建筑工程公司以及提供创新建筑产品的公司。它提供可靠的抗震保护,对于那些在该领域寻求有效解决方案的人来说具有巨大的吸引力。

Potential buyers can access a Patent Landscape Report with a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) upon request. The report discusses the growing utilization of IoT for earthquake detection and the rising demand for real-time monitoring systems, highlighting US11339581 as an important innovation in enhancing seismic safety standards. It offers valuable insights for comprehending the strategic importance of this patent portfolio and its potential to advance seismic stabilization technology. Key Technological Growth Drivers include IoT-enabled technology for detection and real-time actionable results; the use of advanced materials such as shape memory alloys, fiber composites, and damping materials; the increasing popularity of retrofitting; the use of complex structural health monitoring systems. More relevant to the US11339581 patent is the rising popularity of research dedicated to leveraging IoT to predict earthquakes. In a research paper released in Q2 2023, a new technology of the like revealed over 91% accuracy in earthquake simulation prediction, showcasing the potential of IoT-enabled detection and prediction technology. Recent articles have also emphasized the importance of “real time monitoring systems”, which include sensors, data acquisition devices, System Health Monitoring (SHM) software, and communication networks. These examples are just a sample of the academic literature published in this space. This US11339581 patent encompasses the use of seismic sensors, prediction algorithms, a dynamic response system, and an advanced stabilization apparatus, making it attractive to manufacturers, building owners, insurers, and regulatory bodies. The report also includes market growth information for seismic protection devices and identifies potential partners or acquirers for the earthquake building stabilizer. Please reach out for further details if interested.

Bid on the Earthquake Building Stabilizer Patents Lot from Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask Marketplace
竞拍Ocean Tomo Bid Ask市场上建筑减隔震装置专利包

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