Lot 178: Card Game with Auction Function Patents for Sale

Bid on the Card Game with Auction Function Patents Lot from Ocean Tomo
竞拍Ocean Tomo的具有拍卖功能的卡牌游戏专利包

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Lot 178: Card Game with Auction Function Patents for Sale

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask TM Market patent auction lot 178 presents a U.S. patent 9076300 introducing an exciting auction system where players can bid for specific cards during the game. A computer oversees the auction, and rules like bidding time, the number of cards, and spending limits can be adjusted. The real-time display shows players’ bids, spending limits, and who’s winning. What’s intriguing is that the second-highest bidder will be awarded the amount of the winning bid, and this opens up an extra dimension in which a player can compete both to win the card game and to be the second-highest bidder. This innovation isn’t just for card games; it could also be used in things like competitive discounts and promotions, making it versatile and fun for a wide audience. Companies seeking to enhance customer experience of online card games would find value in this patent portfolio.

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™市场178号拍卖专利包包括1项美国专利US9076300。该专利包引入了令人兴奋的拍卖系统,玩家可以在游戏过程中竞标特定的卡牌。 计算机监督拍卖,并且可以调整竞价时间、卡片数量和支出限额等规则。 实时显示玩家的出价、支出限额以及谁获胜。 有趣的是,第二高出价者将获得中标金额,这开辟了一个额外的维度,玩家可以竞争赢得纸牌游戏并成为第二高出价者。这项创新不仅适用于纸牌游戏,还适用于纸牌游戏。它还可以用于竞争性折扣和促销等活动,使其用途广泛且对广大受众来说充满乐趣。寻求增强在线纸牌游戏客户体验的公司将会在该专利组合中发现价值。

Bid on the Card Game with Auction Function Patents Lot from Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask Marketplace
竞拍Ocean Tomo Bid Ask市场上具有拍卖功能的卡牌游戏专利包

See Attachment

Card Game with Auction Function Patents Lot Asset List | 具有拍卖功能的卡牌游戏专利包资产列表