Lot 177: Voice-Activated Product and Service Identification Patents for Sale

Bid on the Voice-Activated Product and Service Identification Patents Lot from Ocean Tomo
竞拍Ocean Tomo的语音激活产品和服务识别专利包

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Lot 177: Voice-Activated Product and Service Identification Patents for Sale

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™ Market patent auction lot 177 consists of a portfolio of two U.S. patents. The portfolio introduces voice-based identification for related products and services, leveraging wireless transmission technology. It consists of a wireless tag reader that detects and retrieves information from wireless tags, a remote database storing data on a multitude of products and services, and a processor that identifies relevant offerings based on trends and generates voice-based offers. These voice offers are then played through a speaker, engaging users, and inviting their voice-based responses through a microphone. This technology seamlessly combines wireless and voice-activated elements to provide an efficient and interactive way to connect users with relevant products and services, making it a valuable tool for businesses seeking to enhance user engagement and marketing strategies. Companies seeking to improve user engagement, personalize offerings, and leverage voice-activated technology for enhanced customer interactions would find value in this patent portfolio.

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™市场177号拍卖专利包包括2项美国专利。该专利包利用无线传输技术,为相关产品和服务引入了基于语音的识别。它由一个无线标签读取器(用于检测和检索来自无线标签的信息)、一个存储多种产品和服务数据的远程数据库,以及一个根据趋势识别相关产品并生成基于语音的产品的处理器组成。然后,这些语音内容通过扬声器播放,吸引用户,并通过麦克风邀请他们做出基于语音的响应。该技术无缝地结合了无线和声控元素,提供了一种高效的交互式方式,将用户与相关产品和服务联系起来,为寻求增强用户参与度和营销策略的企业提供一个宝贵工具。对于寻求提高用户参与度、个性化产品,以及利用语音激活技术增强客户互动的公司,该专利包颇具价值。

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竞拍Ocean Tomo Bid Ask市场上语音激活产品和服务识别专利包

Voice-Activated Product and Service Identification System Patents Lot Asset List | 语音激活产品和服务识别专利包资产列表