Lot 176: Wireless-Driven Social Media Incentive System Patents for Sale

Bid on the Wireless-Driven Social Media Incentive System Patents Lot from Ocean Tomo
竞拍Ocean Tomo的无线驱动的社交媒体激励系统专利包

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Lot 176: Wireless-Driven Social Media Incentive System Patents for Sale

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™ Market patent auction lot 176 consists of a portfolio of two U.S. patents. The portfolio offers a unique solution to boost social media engagement through wireless incentives. It features a database storing incentives tied to social media benchmark, a wireless reader for tagging physical items, and templates for social media content creation, it also measures impact and sends notifications when goals are met. Additionally, the portfolio allows users to directly access an e-commerce site related to products in video or text they view, enhancing convenience. The novelty of this portfolio lies in its ability to integrate wireless technology with social media engagement strategies, provide real-time product/service identification, automate content creation, quantify impact, and deliver notifications, all of which collectively offer an innovative approach to enhancing user engagement and marketing efforts. It’s relevant to social media platforms, e-commerce, and developers of social media-driven purchase incentive solutions.

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™市场176号拍卖专利包包含2项美国专利。该专利包提供了独特的解决方案,通过无线激励措施提高社交媒体参与度。它具有一个存储与社交媒体基准相关的激励措施的数据库、一个用于标记物理物品的无线阅读器以及用于创建社交媒体内容的模板,它还可以衡量影响并在目标实现时发送通知。此外,该产品组合允许用户直接访问与视频或文本中的产品相关的电子商务网站,从而提高了便利性。该专利包的新颖之处在于其结合了无线技术与社交媒体参与策略,提供实时产品/服务识别、自动化内容创建、量化影响和发送通知,上述要素共同提供了一种创新方法来增强用户体验参与和营销工作。该专利包适用于社交媒体平台、电子商务企业,以及社交媒体驱动的购买激励解决方案的开发公司。

Bid on the Wireless-Driven Social Media Incentive System Patents Lot from Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask Marketplace
竞拍Ocean Tomo Bid Ask市场上无线驱动的社交媒体激励系统专利包

Wireless-Driven Social Media Incentive System Patents Lot Asset List | 无线驱动的社交媒体激励系统专利包资产列表