Lot 173: User Authentication and Digital Signature Patents for Sale

Bid on the User Authentication and Digital Signature Patents Lot from Ocean Tomo
竞拍Ocean Tomo的用户认证和数字签名专利包

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Lot 173: User Authentication and Digital Signature Patents for Sale

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™ Market patent auction lot 173 consists of two U.S. patents and two European patents, offering coverage in Germany, France, UK, Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland, and Luxembourg. These patents focus on user authentication and digital signatures for secure electronic transactions, addressing the crucial need for authenticity, integrity, and non-repudiation in digital communications, especially in areas like mobile banking. By implementing these patented digital signature solutions, companies can strengthen their two-factor authentication methods and enhance security. Market reports indicate that the global digital signature market is projected to reach $25.2 billion by 2027, driven by the increasing reliance on mobile devices and the growing demand for remote transactions. With its innovative and secure approach, this patented portfolio presents a compelling opportunity for companies operating in the digital authentication space. The CEO of Paycool International emphasizes the significance of these patented methods in addressing the challenges of today and tomorrow within a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™市场173号拍卖专利包包括两项美国专利和两项欧洲专利,后者覆盖德国、法国、英国、比利时、瑞士、爱尔兰和卢森堡。这些专利专注于安全电子交易的用户身份验证和数字签名。该产品组合满足了数字通信中对真实性、完整性和不可否认性的需求,尤其是在移动银行等领域。通过实施这些获得专利的数字签名解决方案,公司可以加强其双因素身份验证方法来增强安全性。根据市场报告,受对移动设备的日益依赖和远程交易需求的推动,全球数字签名市场预计到 2027 年将达到 252 亿美元。凭借其新颖而安全的方法,该专利产品组合为在数字认证领域运营的公司提供了一个极具吸引力的机会。Paycool International 的CEO强调了这些专利方法在应对快速发展的数字环境中当今和未来挑战的重要性。

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竞拍Ocean Tomo Bid Ask市场上用户认证和数字签名专利包

User Authentication and Digital Signature Patents Lot Asset List | 用户认证和数字签名专利包资产列表