Lot 166: Raw Sample Genotyping Patents for Sale

Bid on the Raw Sample Genotyping Patents Lot from Ocean Tomo
竞拍Ocean Tomo的原始样本基因分型专利包

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Lot 166: Raw Sample Genotyping Patents for Sale

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™ Market patent auction lot 166 consists of twelve U.S. and international patents. The patents cover a method of performing a tandem PCR amplification to bypass DNA purification. It automatically obtains consistent measurable amounts of DNA without extra cost and labor. The portfolio is applicable to a variety of samples and analytical platforms. It revolutionizes DNA testing bypassing DNA purification which is a time and labor consuming process. The novelty lies in the fact that it allows raw samples to be directly used for analysis providing comparable quality of results as a purified DNA sample.

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™市场166号拍卖专利包包括十二项美国和国际专利。这些专利涵盖了一种执行串联 PCR 扩增以绕过 DNA 纯化的方法。它自动获得一致的可测量数量的 DNA,无需额外的成本和劳动力。该专利包适用于多种样品和分析平台。它彻底改变了 DNA 测试,绕过了 DNA 纯化,这是一个耗时耗力的过程。新颖之处在于它允许将原始样品直接用于分析,从而提供与纯化的 DNA 样品相当的结果质量。

Bid on the Raw Sample Genotyping Patents Lot from Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask Marketplace
竞拍Ocean Tomo Bid Ask市场上原始样本基因分型专利包

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