Lot 161: Lateral Olfactory Screening Patents for Sale

Bid on the Lateral Olfactory Screening Patents Lot from Ocean Tomo
竞拍Ocean Tomo的嗅觉退化筛查专利包

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Lot 161: Lateral Olfactory Screening Patents for Sale

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™ Market patent auction lot 161 offers a portfolio of domestic and international patents in addition to different types of VIDAS study data from Inspired Technologies, Inc., which lists a large number of potential diseases that might be diagnosed with the information this test detects such as Alzheimer's disease and a lot more degenerative disease. This portfolio uniquely scales the lateral differential of olfactory sensitivity rather than considering both olfactory lobes at once which fails to gather the data of one olfactory lobe. If for example, one olfactory lobe is not functional, typical olfactory tests wouldn’t detect it. This lateral test can detect and scale the sensitivity of the left and right olfactory lobes. According to the inventor “the more complete and refined medial screening tests are, the more likely an association between test results and some neurological condition is to be found.“

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™市场161号待售专利包提供了来自 Inspired Technologies公司的专利包,包含美国及国际专利,以及不同类型的 VIDAS 研究数据,其中列出了通过大量信息诊断的潜在疾病,该测试可检测阿尔茨海默病及其他退行性疾病。该专利包独特地比较了嗅觉敏感性的横向差异,而不是同时考虑两个嗅叶,后者的缺陷在于无法收集单独嗅叶的数据。例如,如果一个嗅叶不起作用,典型的嗅觉测试将无法检测到这一问题。该专利包的横向测试法可以检测和衡量左右嗅叶的灵敏度。据发明者描述“越完整和精细的内侧筛查测试,就越有可能发现测试结果与某些神经系统疾病之间的关联。”

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竞拍Ocean Tomo Bid Ask市场上嗅觉退化筛查专利包

Lateral Olfactory Screening Patents Lot Asset List from Ocean Tomo | Ocean Tomo的嗅觉退化筛查专利包资产列表