Lot 153: High Performance Battery Technologies Patent for Sale

Bid on the High Performance Battery Technologies Lot from Ocean Tomo
竞拍Ocean Tomo的高性能电池技术专利包

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Lot 153: High Performance Battery Technologies Patent for Sale

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™ Market patent auction lot 153 offers forty-six patents with global protections in the United States, China, Europe, Japan, Korea, etc. The subject inventions are regarding high performance lithium battery technologies, such as aqueous lithium battery technology, lithium Sulfur battery technology, Si/SiO anode material technology etc. These patents include unique, high performance battery electrode compositions including Lithium, Sulfur, and other metals and metal alloys. The present inventions are both economical and highly efficient, ensuring high cycle life, low charge time, less self-discharge, high cell voltage, no maintenance required, and low toxicity compared to existing secondary batteries. The subject portfolio provides an attractive opportunity for manufacturers of lead alkaline batteries, lithium-ion batteries, and/or LFP batteries, especially those pursuing alternative means for achieving leading-edge battery performance.

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™市场153号待售专利包提供了四十六项专利,覆盖了美国、中国、欧洲、日本、韩国等司法辖区。这一系列发明有关高性能锂电池技术,如水性锂电池技术、锂硫电池技术、Si/SiO负极材料技术等。该专利包包含独特的高性能电池电极材料,具有例如锂、硫和金属/合金的组合物等。该专利包中的电池技术既经济又高效,与其他市售二次电池相比,可确保较高的循环寿命,较短的充电时间,较少的自放电,较的高电池电压,无需维护,且毒性低。该专利包为铅碱性电池、锂离子电池和/或 LFP 电池的制造商提供了一个强有力的机遇,尤其是那些追求卓越电池性能方案的制造商们。

Bid on the High Performance Battery Technologies Lot from Ocean Tomo
竞拍Ocean Tomo的高性能电池技术专利包

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