Lot 152: Adjustable Goal Apparatus for Field Sports Patent for Sale

Bid on the Adjustable Goal Apparatus for Field Sports Lot from Ocean Tomo
竞拍Ocean Tomo的可调节的球门装置专利包

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Lot 152: Adjustable Goal Apparatus for Field Sports Patent for Sale

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™ Market patent auction lot 152 offers four patents with protections in the United States and Canada. The subject patents were designed to increase the shooting skills of a player performance during games. The subject goal apparatus was designed with hockey in mind but can be adapted to and sport with a net that requires accuracy to perform at a high level of play. Each target is 12” x 12” steel bar with hockey net attached. The bar is connected to a mounting bracket that is spring loaded. This product has been tested with high-level teams/players and has proven to be valuable to teams during their practice with or without a goalkeeper. It sharpens player shooting skills and identifies weakness in goalkeepers. This is a unique opportunity for acquiring an innovative range of field sports goal apparatus that can supplement and expand a manufacturer’s IP at a very attractive price.

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™市场152号待售专利包提供了四项加拿大和美国专利,旨在提升球员在比赛中的投篮表现和技巧。该球网是针对曲棍球设计的,但可适配任何需要射门的球类运动。每个球门都包含一个 12” x 12” 的钢筋球门,球网。球门连接到弹簧安装支架。该产品已经过高水平球队/球员的测试,并证明无论有或没有守门员,该球门对球队的练习都很有价值,可以提高球员的射门技巧并识别守门员的弱点。这些创新技术可以以非常诱人的价格补充和扩展企业在运动球门领域的知识产权布局。

Bid on the Adjustable Goal Apparatus for Field Sports Lot from Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask Marketplace
竞拍Ocean Tomo Bid Ask市场上可调节的球门装置专利包

Adjustable Goal Apparatus for Field Sports Lot Asset List from Ocean Tomo | Ocean Tomo的可调节的球门装置专利包资产列表