Lot 149: Vote Counting System Patent for Sale

Bid on the Vote Counting System Lot from Ocean Tomo
竞拍Ocean Tomo的计票系统专利包

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Lot 149: Vote Counting System Patent for Sale

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™ Market patent auction lot 149 offers a U.S. patent related to a system for processing tendered ballots, which provides security and recordation of the counting process to reduce voter fraud. The patented system contains a table for a poll worker to sort and process ballots. A camera is directed to the workspace on the table. The image from the camera is digitally stored and provided to the poll watchers via a viewing screen. The ballots are also scanned for postage through which the poll workers will be directed to proper slots for the deposit of ballots. Remote monitors of the process can "watch" the action without being intrusive to the system. Just as a bank teller knows that their actions are being monitored by cameras, the vote sorting personnel is more dutiful and less likely to "fudge" or cast fraudulent votes.

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™市场149号待售专利包提供了一项有关投票处理系统的美国专利。该专利能够保障计票过程的安全与实时记录,从而消除选票诈欺。该专利系统提供了一张供计票人员处理和分类选票的工作台。摄像机对准桌子上的工作区。相机以数字方式存储图像,并通过展示屏提供给观察员。相机还通过扫描选票的邮寄日期,引导工作人员将选票存放在适当位置。远程监视器能够“观察”而不会干扰(工作人员)的行动。正如银行出纳员知道自己的行为处于摄像头监控之下一样,如此一来,选票分拣员更尽职尽责,不太可能“捏造”或进行欺诈性投票。

Bid on the Vote Counting System Lot from Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask Marketplace
竞拍Ocean Tomo Bid Ask市场上计票系统专利包

Vote Counting System Lot Asset List from Ocean Tomo | Ocean Tomo的计票系统专利包资产列表