Lot 148: Wearable Gesture Recognition System Patents for Sale

Bid on the Wearable Gesture Recognition System Lot from Ocean Tomo
竞拍Ocean Tomo的具备手势识别功能的可穿戴系统专利包

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Lot 148: Wearable Gesture Recognition System Patents for Sale

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™ Market patent auction lot 148 offers a U.S. patent related to a wearable sensor system with gesture recognition for measuring physical performance including a sensor ring for providing signals. The subject invention provides a user-friendly, economic method of measuring user efforts for strength and conditioning programs, tracking arm angle and form for tennis, golf, pitching, and other activities. Technically, this form factor provides a more stable and secure mounting platform for the sensing electronics than a belt, glove, or armband. And it is also more sanitary, as it will be impervious to moisture for easy cleaning. The patented invention applies to companies in the health, fitness, and athletic performance markets to expand on the capabilities of their devices that provide physiological measures, especially those looking at swing mechanics and serving the performance training markets.

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™市场147号待售专利包提供了一项有关可穿戴传感器系统的美国专利,该系统具备用于测量体能表现的手势识别功能,还包含一个传感器指环。本发明为用户提供一个便捷、经济的方法,用于测量其力量和体能训练的成果,以及追踪网球、高尔夫、投球和其他运动中用户的手臂角度与形态。从技术角度来看,与手环、手套或臂带相比,这种指环形态为传感电子设备提供了更稳定、更安全的载体。同时,也更卫生,因为不易受潮,易于清洁。这项专利发明适用于健康、健身和体能追踪的企业,扩展其设备进行生理指标测量的功能,尤其适用于关注挥杆力学和体能训练市场的企业。

Bid on the Wearable Gesture Recognition System Lot from Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask Marketplace
竞拍Ocean Tomo Bid Ask市场上具备手势识别功能的可穿戴系统专利包

Wearable Gesture Recognition System Lot Asset List from Ocean Tomo | Ocean Tomo的具备手势识别功能的可穿戴系统专利包资产列表