Lot 147: Sterilization Mechanisms for Covid and Other Viruses Patents for Sale

Bid on the Sterilization Mechanisms for Covid and Other Viruses Lot from Ocean Tomo
竞拍Ocean Tomo的新冠病毒及其他病毒灭菌机制专利包

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Lot 147: Sterilization Mechanisms for Covid and Other Viruses Patents for Sale

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™ Market patent auction lot 147 offers 2 U.S. patents related to efficient sterilization mechanisms to Covid and other viruses. The subject invention provides an air and surface sterilizing apparatus which can be set within an environment without adversely affecting people, pets, or plants. The apparatus uses a passage through which ambient air passes. The passage has a treatment chamber in which ultraviolet light (ideally UV-C) is used to sterile the ambient air.

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™市场147号待售专利包提供了2项美国专利,有关新冠病毒及其他病毒的高效灭菌机制。本发明涉及一个空气和物体表面的消毒装置。该装置可应用于任何环境,对人、宠物、植物无害。该装置包含一个过滤空气的通道,其内部有使用紫外线(理想情况是UV-C)对空气消毒的处理室。

Bid on the Sterilization Mechanisms for Covid and Other Viruses Lot from Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask Marketplace
竞拍Ocean Tomo Bid Ask市场上新冠病毒及其他病毒灭菌机制专利包

Sterilization Mechanisms for Covid and Other Viruses Lot Asset List from Ocean Tomo | Ocean Tomo的新冠病毒及其他病毒的灭菌机制专利包资产列表