Lot 121: MassMutual - Indoor Navigation Method and System Patents for Sale
121号专利包:万通保险 - 室内导航方法与系统专利待拍

Bid on the MassMutual - Indoor Navigation Method and System Lot from Ocean Tomo
竞拍Ocean Tomo的万通保险 - 室内导航方法与系统专利包

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Lot 121: MassMutual - Indoor Navigation Method and System Patents for Sale
121号专利包:万通保险 - 室内导航方法与系统专利待拍

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™ Market patent auction lot 121 consists of eleven U.S. patents and applications from MassMutual. This portfolio presents methods and systems that use beacon technology to provide indoor navigation assistance. The inventions allow an electronic device application to communicate with multiple beacon sensors throughout a building to identify a user’s location in real time.  The application can then: provide indoor navigation; warn the user of hazardous condition (e.g., heavy machinery moving towards the user); find other users/coworkers close by based on user preferences and profiles to increase employee interactions (e.g., find like-minded people and navigate each other to meet up).

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™市场121号拍卖专利包包含美国万通人寿保险公司十一项专利和专利申请。该专利包涉及一种方法与系统,使用信标技术提供室内导航。本发明允许电子设备的应用程序与建筑物中的多个信标传感器进行通信,以识别用户在建筑物中的实时位置。然后,该应用程序可以——将用户引导回到他/她在建筑物中的起点;告知用户危险状况,例如重型机械向用户移动;根据用户的偏好和个人资料查找附近的其他用户/同事(例如,找到志趣相投的人并互相导航以结识朋友)。

Bid on the MassMutual - Indoor Navigation Method and System Lot on the Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask Market
竞拍Ocean Tomo Bid Ask市场上的万通保险 - 室内导航方法与系统专利包

MassMutual - Indoor Navigation Method and System Lot Asset List from Ocean Tomo | Ocean Tomo的万通保险 - 室内导航方法与系统专利包资产列表