Lot 119: MassMutual - Intelligent Display For Moving Vehicles Patents for Sale
119号专利包:万通保险 - 车辆智能显示专利待拍

Bid on the MassMutual - Intelligent Display For Moving Vehicles Lot from Ocean Tomo
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Lot 119: MassMutual - Intelligent Display For Moving Vehicles Patents for Sale
119号专利包:万通保险 - 车辆智能显示专利待拍

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™ Market patent auction lot 119 consists of thirteen U.S. patents and applications from MassMutual. The methods and systems described in this portfolio modify the output of electronic devices associated with moving vehicles (e.g., vehicle’s display system and/or electronic devices) when the vehicle is moving faster than a predetermined threshold and the driver’s eye gaze is directed towards the electronic device instead of the road. The methods and system of this portfolio can also prevent accidents and notify users if a vehicle is involved in an accident. The portfolio will benefit vehicle manufacturers, electronic display system manufacturers, first responders etc.

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™市场119号拍卖专利包包含美国万通人寿保险公司的十三项专利和专利申请。本专利包控制车辆行驶中相关联的电子设备。当车辆的移动速度快于预定阈值并且驾驶员的视线对准电子设备而不是道路时,该方法和系统相应地更改车辆的各种电子显示(例如,车辆的显示系统和/或车辆内的电子设备)。本专利包将使车辆制造商,电子显示系统制造商,急救人员等受益。

Bid on the MassMutual - Intelligent Display For Moving Vehicles Lot on the Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask Market
竞拍Ocean Tomo Bid Ask市场上的万通保险 - 车辆智能显示专利包

MassMutual - Intelligent Display For Moving Vehicles Lot Asset List from Ocean Tomo | Ocean Tomo的万通保险 - 车辆智能显示专利包资产列表