Lot 174: Voice Enabled OTP Transmission Patents for Sale

Bid on the Voice Enabled OTP Transmission Patents Lot from Ocean Tomo
竞拍Ocean Tomo的语音支持的一次性密码传输专利包

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Lot 174: Voice Enabled OTP Transmission Patents for Sale

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™ Market patent auction lot 174 offers a valuable portfolio comprising two U.S. patents, one Chinese patent, and two European patents providing coverage in Germany, France, UK, Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland, and Luxembourg. These patents introduce a innovative solution for transmitting One Time Passwords (OTPs) through voice channels, addressing the challenge of costly OTP delivery. By leveraging the calling number of an unanswered call, the technology enables instant and cost-free transmission of OTPs and critical information. What sets this portfolio apart is its ability to deliver dynamic codes and essential data without the expenses associated with traditional methods. Furthermore, the calling number can accommodate supplementary condensed information, with precise interpretations conveyed through a separate voicemail message. This novel approach presents a compelling opportunity for companies in a wide range of areas, including banks, hotel chains, e-commerce providers, healthcare entities, and educational institutions.

Ocean Tomo Bid-Ask™市场174号拍卖提供了一个有价值的专利包,包括两项美国专利、一项中国专利和两项覆盖德国、法国、英国、比利时、瑞士、爱尔兰和卢森堡的欧洲专利。这些专利引入了一种通过语音通道传输一次性密码 (OTP) 的创新解决方案,解决了昂贵的 OTP 交付挑战。通过利用未接听电话的主叫号码,该技术可实现 OTP 和关键信息的即时且免费传输。该产品组合的与众不同之处在于它能够交付动态代码和基本数据,而无需支付与传统方法相关的费用。此外,呼叫号码可以容纳补充的压缩信息,并通过单独的语音邮件消息传达精确的解释。这种新颖的方法为银行、连锁酒店、电子商务提供商、医疗保健实体和教育机构等广泛领域的公司提供了一个极具吸引力的机会。

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竞拍Ocean Tomo Bid Ask市场上语音支持的一次性密码传输专利包

Voice Enabled OTP Transmission Patents Lot Asset List | 语音支持的一次性密码传输专利包资产列表